Other Resources
Suggested Resources for Science Classrooms
If your classroom science library needs rejuvenating, these fine paperbacks can help:
The Complete Science Fair Handbook. 1990. Anthony D. Fredericks and Isaac Asimov. ISBN 0-673-38800-X. Grades 4-8. Good Year Books, Dept. GYB, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025. Hundreds of ideas for science projects and explicit information on preparing information for projects.
Science Process Skills. 1995. John D. Bath, Ph.D.. Grades 2-5. Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company, Inc. CD-7311.
Skills like observing, classifying, measuring, communicating, inferring, predicting, controlling variables, representing data, experimenting.
Science Yellow Pages. 1988. Sandra Schurr and the KIDS’ STUFF Staff. All grades. Incentive Publications, Nashville. ISBN 0-86530-009-7. Everything from lists of lab equipment to hundreds of general/physical/earth/life science facts.
Science Experiments: Chemistry and Physics. 1995. Tammy K. Williams. Grades 5-8+. Mark Twain Media/Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company, Inc. CD-1815. Interesting experiments – make hydrogen from simple ingredients. Step-by-step, student record forms, clear directions.
Web Connections
The following sites have in the past provided consistently good resources:
National Science Teachers Association